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Next Portfolio

Sometimes it is quite normal to renew the design of a website. That's why I've decided to refresh my portfolio website using the new Next.js 13 . Now it looks better than old one. Framer motion animation while scrolling through the page, persisting dark mode, sanity backend for projects and filter. Finally I make my wishes come true!

NextChakra UIFramer motionEmotion CSSSWRSanityError Boundary

Chat Room

An interview test project that aims to verify skills in understanding the task and building UI with React.

ReactTypescriptJotaiSWRTailwind CSSHeadless UIjson serverError Boundary

Proovia Delivery

One of my commercial projects built together with a full-stack developer. This represent a company project which consists of three parts: booking goods system, company website and client area. All this stuff has been built in Next, Typescript and Tailwind CSS.

NextTypescriptFramer motionTailwind CSSHeadless UIJWTStripeYupRecoil


NextJS project built-in using Hasura GraphQL, Magic link, Youtube API, Chakra UI. The functionality of this project allows visitors to watch, like, unlike and save videos to favourite.

NextHasura GraphQLMagic linkJWTSSRISRChakra UIYouTube API

Search films

Search for any stats like awards, box office, IMDB rating or votes for any movie. The app uses IMDB API, vanilla JavaScript and perform a comparison between 2 movies your are looking for.


Simple CRUD books system using Firebase/Firestore, Material UI, React, React Hook Form, React Router v6 and all these things bundled by vite

Portfolio Site

A Next.js portfolio project. This is my first NextJS project built after I have watched a NextJS crash course. I have chosen this technology because I fall in love with React and Next at first glance.

NextNext SEOReact modalReact image galleryFramer motion


Cryptocurrency has been built up using Ant design, RTK Query, ChartJS, Coinranking and Bing News API. I have learnt a lot of interesting technologies like RTK Query, ChartJS as well as integrating custom features into Ant components like filter/sorting data, view blocks as list/grid or implementing load more component.

ReactAntDReduxRTK QueryBing APICoinranking API

React Todo/Blog

This React application combines a todo and blog page with a react hook contact form. The whole used stack is pointed below.

ReactReact hook formReact transition groupReact modalAxiosTanStack QueryReddit APILocalStorage

Secret message

Just a simple application with the aim to encrypt the words/characters you type in a text box and share the generated url to your friends as to decrypt the message.

Dogs API

This is a small vanilla JS project using dogs api to fetch dogs breed. Built this app while I was learning JavaScript language. It's pretty simple one and it performs a specific function - to showcase a slideshow when visitor select a dog breed.


Click Colour

What a frontend developer doesn't build up a similar application? This app uses custom CSS properties for the UI and only pure JavaScript code to change color clicking get color button. Simple as that!